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[vc_toggle title= »How long does a business consulting project last? » open= »true » css_animation= »fadeInUp »]The length of time of a business consulting project varies and based on a number of factors including: business needs and challenges, size of the organization or team, and scope of the consulting project.[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title= »Do you ever invest in your clients? » css_animation= »fadeInUp »]The length of time of a business consulting project varies and based on a number of factors including: business needs and challenges, size of the organization or team, and scope of the consulting project.[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title= »Do we really need a business plan? » css_animation= »fadeInUp »]The length of time of a business consulting project varies and based on a number of factors including: business needs and challenges, size of the organization or team, and scope of the consulting project.[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title= »How does the process work? » css_animation= »fadeInUp »]The length of time of a business consulting project varies and based on a number of factors including: business needs and challenges, size of the organization or team, and scope of the consulting project.[/vc_toggle]
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